ToepassingenVoor Sorteersystemen

Hoe gaat u de sorteeroplossing gebruiken?

Out of the box denken is waar EuroSort het beste in is. Veel mensen denken dat een sorteeroplossing voor enkelstuks er alleen is om uitgaande goederen te sorteren. EuroSort weet echter dat het anders is. Onze sorteeroplossingen worden gebruikt in toepassingen voor elke fase van het distributieproces; van inkomende goederen verwerken, voorraadopslag, voorsorteren, orders sorteren, uitgaande goederen sorteren en zelfs retourverwerking. Onze innovatieve, flexibele technologie en op maat ontworpen chutes (uitgangen), zorgen voor de grootste verscheidenheid aan toepassingen om uw logistieke operatie veel efficiënter te maken. Ongeacht of u retail-, e-com-, of omnichannel-bestellingen verwerkt.


What our customers are saying

“During peak periods, workers were able to pack 125,000 units per day. It took four times as many people as it would if a machine was involved, One of the older machines called a tilt-tray, for instance, had a 98% accuracy rate at dropping products into the right chute by tilting to the left or right. While 2% doesn’t seem like a big deal, it ends up being very expensive when you consider the millions of orders Gap processes every year. Young was able to get a newer device called a Bombay sorter that has a 99.9% accuracy, which avoids thousands of returns…..”

Jim Young

“Sports Direct operates several ecommerce websites but have struggled to find a sorting solution that could accommodate the variety of items that we supply to our customers. Solutions reviewed were either not suitable for the items or simple not robust enough or fast enough for the intended workload.  The Twin Push Tray excelled on all counts. The vast majority of product comfortable fit, the system runs without outages and the speed of the system means we can process all our orders  to give great service to our customers.   This is a real world solution, not just a dream.”

Tony Westwater
Director of IT, Sports Direct